Wednesday July 9 was the One Day Workshop that took place at whitespace with designer Natalie Chanin. From early morning to late afternoon, a handful of ladies spent the day with Natalie and her assistant, Jessica. After a personal tutorial of sewing techniques using Natalie’s patterns, we began our projects creating some beautiful scarfs, t-shirts and journal covers.
Later we took a break to enjoy an amazing luncheon prepared by Angie Mosier while she shared fabulous stories and recipes with us.
Angie is a Food Stylist and a writer for Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles magazine. As a Vice President & board member of Southern Food Ways Alliance, she collects oral histories and recipes from around the South.

Natalie explaining more in detail

Susan Bridges working hard on her scarf

Angie Mosier sharing her food knowledge
Angie’s wonderful recipes materialized in all its glory
Thursday, July 10th was the book signing of Alabama Stitch Book by Natalie Chanin {written with Stacie Stukin}. The relaxed atmosphere was promoted through Natalie Chanin’s sweet and inviting disposition, and the tactile art of quilting.
Alabama Stitch Book is available at the gallery.
Angie, Natalie & Susan

Jessica (left), Natalie’s assistant, sporting one of Natalie’s amazing designs