Author Archives: Emily

Artist Updates | Winter 2021

Artist Updates | Winter 2021

The world has changed so much in a year but one thing remains the same: artists continue to make art…thank goodness!

1 Nancy Floyd has certainly made her mark in the press! Her continuing project Weathering Time was recently been featured in Buzzfeed’s 10 Photo Stories That Will Challenge Your View Of The World and The New Yorker among others.

The International Center of Photography chose Floyd last year as the winner for its first ever photobook award. The inaugural award attracted nearly 300 entrants from 45 countries. Floyd will have her first photo book designed, edited, printed, and published by the ICP/GOST imprint, with the opportunity to display the work at the new International Center of Photography space at Essex Crossing in New York City.  A date will be announced soon. The award aims to promote and support the work of previously unpublished photographers and artists through the production of a first photo book by the ICP/GOST imprint.

Protest 1984/1988/2016/2018 by Nancy Floyd

2 Zipporah Camille Thompson is exhibiting in the 2021 Atlanta Biennial, Of Care and Destruction, curated by Jordan Amirkhani and TK Smith at Atlanta Contemporary. The exhibition is on view February 18 through May 30, 2021.

She is, also, participating in the exhibition, But Before Bare Bone is Skin, at the University of Central Florida curated by Jonell Logan, January 11 through February 5, 2021.

Zipporah Camille Thompson is one of two recipients of 2020 Artadia Award in Atlanta. Artadia is a nonprofit grantmaker and nationwide community of visual artists, curators, and patrons.

uv ray-n, 2018, mixed media, 65 x 34 inches

3 Sarah Emerson is currently participating in a group exhibition at the Albany Museum of Art entitled, Off The Wall, until February 20, 2021, curated by Didi Dunphy. Other featured artists include Amanda Jane Turk, Shanequa Gay, David Hale and Chris Johnson. “Emerson’s camouflage of beautiful colors explores themes that reflect on the fragility of life, the futility of earthly pleasures, and the disintegration of our natural landscape.” – Albany Museum of Art

Ruin in Reverse, acrylic on canvas with rhinestones , 36 x 36 inches

4 Sonya Yong James was chosen for in the exhibition, Entwined: Ritual Wrapping and Binding in Southern Art, which is on view at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art in New Orleans until February 28, 2021. “I follow my hands, and they often reveal the answers to the questions that I am asking myself while I explore the material I am working with.” – SYJ

Spirit is a bone, 2020, handspun bedsheets, wool, cotton, linen, cast resin snake, snake and coyote bones, dog ashes and mixed media, 6 feet in height by 24 feet in length by 12 inches in depth. Created for Ogden Museum of Southern Art

5 Vesna Pavlović’s second book, Stagecraft, is set to be released March 2021. Vesna Pavlović: Stagecraft features four extensive bodies of the photographer’s work, spanning from the early 2000s to today—photographs of the Yugoslav socialist modernist hotel spaces from her internationally recognized series “Hotels”; photographs of the ceremonial space of the Yugoslav Presidential Palace in Belgrade from the series “Collection/Kolekcija” and the recent “Fabrics of Socialism” and “Sites of Memory” series exploring the archives of the Museum of Yugoslav History. It is available for preorder via Vanderbilt University Press.

Image courtesy of Vesna Pavlović

6 Pete Schulte recently completed a wall drawing at The Lamar Dodd School of Art at The University of Georgia through their program Wall Works. Wall Works is a program at the Dodd Galleries that invites an individual artist to create a semester long, site-specific wall installation in the Plaza Gallery.

Pete Schulte’s, Untitled (Plaza), is an installation comprised of two wall drawings that exist as simultaneity – as twins and opposites. The installation is on view through May 2021. Visit Schulte’s instagram for more images.

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Each wall drawing is 10 x 10 feet and created with latex paint

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Images courtesy of The Dodd Galleries

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7 Elizabeth Lide’s exhibition DRAWN ends Saturday, January 23 at 5 pm. To view more images from the exhibition please visit Lide’s newly updated website as well as our online viewing rooms.

Image courtesy of Elizabeth Lide,  Image taken by Mike Jensen

GALLERY SNAPSHOT | Whitespace, etc.


GALLERY SNAPSHOT | Whitespace, etc.

November 30, 2020
By Shelley Danzy

“I feel like I’m in my second childhood,” says Susan Bridges, director and owner of Whitespace Gallery in Atlanta’s Inman Park neighborhood. “It’s been a time of creative activism.” Bridges opened Whitespace in September 2006 with photographer David Yoakley Mitchell’s Old South. Passion is what connects the gallery’s eclectic history with its contemporary present. The property was six apartments in the 1970s and has been transformed — with time, hard work and craziness — into Whitespace (formerly a garage), Whitespec (formerly a basement) and Shedspace (formerly a plant shed).

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Susan Bridges, Interview, VoyageATL


REVIEWS: Parallel at Whitespace, Atlanta


REVIEWS: Parallel at Whitespace, Atlanta

August 11, 2020
By Logan Lockner

In Atlanta and across the country, art viewers should probably resign themselves to the likelihood that much of what awaits them when galleries reopen will be grim reminders of what caused this spring’s exhibitions to shutter in the first place. This is certainly the case in Parallel, a group exhibition curated by Teresa Bramlette Reeves at Whitespace, on view through September 5. Fraying hazmat suits, echoing chants of I can’t breathe, images refracted through repetition and distortion—element such as these clearly appear as references to the dramatic, unsettling sights and sounds of pandemic and protest that have marked this year.

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Review: Alternate realities of Covid-19, protests prompt “Parallel” at Whitespace


Review: Alternate realities of Covid-19, protests prompt “Parallel” at Whitespace

July 27, 2020
By Jerry Cullum

German philosopher Martin Heidegger used strikethroughs in a word to indicate that it was “inadequate but necessary” — that the word was misleading, but there was no better way to approach the problem. That’s the same reason a show originally titled Parallels has evolved into a similar yet different exhibition called Parallel  at Whitespace/Whitespec/Shedspace through September 5. It evolved in multiple times and ways after being inspired by an episode of NPR’s This American Life about a phone app based on the quantum theory that every either/or choice generates an alternate universe in which the opposite option happens.

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Review of Looming Chaos by Zipporah Camille Thompson at Zuckerman


Review: Zipporah Camille Thompson weighs thoughts on nature, eternity at Zuckerman

February 18, 2020
By Rebecca Brantley

Zipporah Camille Thompson’s Looming Chaos associates the act of weaving with the notion of eternal return. The flux of nature inspires Thompson, who discusses interconnections between land, bodies and other natural phenomena in a short video accompanying her exhibition.

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Review of “Paper Routes” featuring Whitney Stansell


Review: In “Paper Routes”, 5 Georgians more than prove they’re artists to watch

February 17, 2020
By Shelley Danzy

“How did she do that?” That’s a question you’ll likely ask yourself throughout Paper Routes – GA Women to Watch 2020. The exhibition at MOCA GA (through March 7) features 29 works of art by Georgia-based artists Jerushia Graham (Atlanta), Sanaz Haghani and Imi Hwangbo (Athens), Lucha Rodríguez (Decatur) and Whitney Stansell (College Park). It comes from the Georgia Committee of the National Museum of Women in the Arts.

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