Teresa Cole & William DePauw
In Layers and Markings, printmaker Teresa Cole and ceramicist William DePauw explore the language of creation through the overlay of elements and patterns. The use of text in a variety of ways, draws the viewer in while questioning its traditional meaning.
Teresa Cole
“In Layers and Markings, two series of works are shown, Entanglements and Indictments. Both series include works that swing between the complex and the subtle, that allude to a universal language of pattern while drawing attention to the intricacies of difference. Through large print installations, I manipulate pattern to explore issues of power, unravel the past, and as a mode to interpret our complicated world. The works are relief or screen-prints that cover walls or cross into the three-dimensional, subtly defining its field. Through the use of repetition, and the representation of space (both shallow and deep), I utilize optics as an agent of seduction to trace cultural expressions within the visual world. Relationships are formed between abstraction and representation, the simple and the complex, and ultimately the viewer and the viewed.”
William DePauw
“My most recent body of work investigates ceramic form within the context of historic vessels, architectural ornament, and object culture broadly. Called Trophies and Grave Markers, the recent series explores layered elements of pattern, text, and color as a vehicle for compelling form. I seek to impose stark relationships between structured pattern and casual marks in the work to give each object a strong, physical presence. The use of text in this series explores a typically two-dimensional medium that in high relief gives it a complex physicality. I enjoy the idea that these objects are artifacts of the act of making, commemorating a series of thoughts and actions.”
Athens, GA native TERESA COLE, who is known for her installation print work created primarily in relief and serigraph, exhibits nationally and internationally. Her interest in appropriating varied cultural expressions has led to visiting artist engagements globally. Of note are her residencies at Hard Ground Printmakers, Cape Town, South Africa; Frans Masereel Graphics Center in Kasterlee, Belgium, Khoj Kolkata, West Bengal, India and a Tulane University George Lurcy Affiliated Fellowship at the American Academy in Rome, Italy. Her most recent public work was commissioned by the A.B. Freeman International School of Business at Tulane University in New Orleans, LA. Cole earned a BFA in Fiber Art from The Maryland Institute College of Art, Baltimore, MD and received much of her early printmaking education as a working member of Peacock Printmakers in Aberdeen, Scotland. Her MFA in printmaking is from the Cranbrook Academy of Art, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. She currently is a professor in the Newcomb Art Department at Tulane University where she teaches printmaking.
Originally from Detroit Michigan, WILLIAM DEPAUW’s creative practice is primarily dedicated to the medium of clay and the inquiries into abstract form. His work has been included in exhibitions at The Ogden Museum of Southern Art and the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans, The Schein-Joseph International Museum of Ceramic Art at Alfred University in Alfred, New York, and The New Bedford Art Museum in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He originally studied painting at Northern Michigan University where he received his BFA in 1996. He received his graduate degree from Tulane University in 2004 and joined the faculty of the Newcomb Art Department at Tulane University in 2006 where he teaches all levels of ceramics. He is also a founding member of Staple Goods artist collective in New Orleans.