
Joseph Peragine

“Funtown is a short, looped animation that features surreal and seedy tapestry of evenings along the Jersey shore. Through a kaleidoscope of dream-like neon imagery, this piece seeks to capture the paradoxical essence of beachside culture—juxtaposing the whimsical with the raw and the sacred with the profane.”

Joe Peragine
Joe Peragine
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Joseph Peragine is an artist and educator. His paintings, sculpture and animation have been presented widely in galleries, contemporary art spaces and museums throughout the USA and abroad. Recent exhibitions include Low Anchored Cloud at Marcia Wood Gallery and Transitions: States of Being at the Zuckerman Art Museum at Kennesaw State University. His animation Patriotic Drawings for Children was an official selection of the Garden State Film Festival in Asbury Park NJ in 2017.

Peragine was born in Jersey City, New Jersey, and spent many summer evenings at the Jersey Shore. He is currently a Professor of Drawing and Painting and the Director of the Lamar Dodd School of Art at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia.