June 27th – August 2nd
it comes undone | Cassidy Russell
Opening reception:
Saturday, July 12th | 7 – 9 pm
Show extended through August 9th
This work focuses on the ways we try to hide things, looking at human imperfection and the difference between what we show to others and what we withhold. We attempt to present something perfect – something attractive. I make physical the difference between that facade and what lies behind it, using the domestic – references to architecture, quilting, china patterns, curtains, wallpaper – as a psychological portrait.
This exhibition is made up of works on paper that have been printed, dyed, and hand-embroidered. Once a hole is punched into paper or a mark is stitched, it is impossible to remove the memory of it. Every event leaves a mark, and much as we try to hide the things we view as imperfections or flaws, it is impossible to erase them completely. The surfaces of the work reflect these attempts: to embellish and make appealing, to mend and cover, to patch over with something different and beautiful. The final pieces act as remnants of action, as palimpsests, where the act of repair becomes more important than the repairs themselves.