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BURNAWAY’S Best of 2018
December 28, 2018
By Burnaway Staff
Zipporah Camille Thompson’s Black Cloud Prism [September 7–October 20, 2018] at Whitespace in Atlanta fuses millennial tech-savvy with ancient cultural practices to invest mundane materials with “sympathetic magic,” defined by Merriam-Webster as “magic based on the assumption that a person or thing can be supernaturally affected through its name or an object representing it.” Read More.
Zipporah Camille Thompson: Black Cloud Prism
October 2, 2018
By Dinah McClintock
Zipporah Camille Thompson’s Black Cloud Prism [September 7–October 20, 2018] at Whitespace in Atlanta fuses millennial tech-savvy with ancient cultural practices to invest mundane materials with “sympathetic magic,” defined by Merriam-Webster as “magic based on the assumption that a person or thing can be supernaturally affected through its name or an object representing it.” Read More.
Review: Zipporah Camille Thompson and Mary Stuart Hall explore memory and identity at Whitespace
September 18, 2018
By Muriel Vega
When Zipporah Camille Thompson last showed at Whitespace in 2016 with Dark of the Moon, her work evoked an air of mystery and the unknown. The use of soft textiles contrasting against black paint evoked a sense of darkness, as if mirroring the undiscovered, dark corners of the universe. With her new show, Black Cloud Prism at Whitespace through October 20, the darkness has started to dissipate. Thompson’s work seems to have undergone a metamorphosis as she merges her customary techniques into more cohesive pieces, balancing the former use of objects and textiles with new, lighter hues and photographs. Read More.
Zipporah Thompson brings celestial vibes to her new Whitespec solo show, Dark of the Moon
January 5, 2016
By Muriel Vega
Athens-based artist Zipporah Thompson explores death, chaos, and space in her new exhibition, Dark of the Moon, at Whitespace Gallery’s Whitespec. Thompson, a visual artist and sculptor, has previously shown her work at the Georgia Museum of Art, the Zuckerman Museum Art, among others. She’s currently a 2015 Hambidge Center Fellow. Read More.
Preview: Thompson’s “Dark of the Moon” makes the universal personal
January 4, 2016
By Grace Thorton
Dark of the Moon, sculptural works created by Athens-based artist Zipporah Thompson, will be featured at Whitsepace’s Whitespec Gallery January 8 through February 13. Thompson’s works will displayed in conjunction with the exhibition of new works by Mimi Hart Silver, entitled Territories/Kingdoms. Both artists coincidentally hail from North Carolina, where Thompson received her BFA in Fiber at the University of North Carolina. Thompson relocated to continue her studies as a graduate student at University of Georgia. Read More.
‘Tease’ Explores the Power of Hair
April 22, 2015
By Jessica Smith
Cut and Color: Hair has always possessed powerful symbolic properties, existing not only as a public extension of a person’s health, sense of identity and personal style, but as an essential element in rituals, ceremonies and visual communication for many cultures throughout history. “Tease,” currently on view at the Athens Institute for Contemporary Art, explores the roles hair fulfills in the realms of spirituality, sexuality, fashion and community. Read More.