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The Depth of Paper: Teresa Cole at Whitespace
March 10, 2016
By Terri Dilling
Everyone is familiar with paper, but not necessarily with how it is made. Teresa Cole’s current exhibition, “Depth of Surface,” at Whitespace brings paper to the forefront and will definitely cause you to think more about the methods of creating handmade paper, and better appreciate its delicate textural qualities. Read More.
Migratory Language: Teresa Cole and Kelly Cloninger at Whitespace
June 13, 2012
By Brian Hitselberger
Travel as a practice occupies varying roles in the life of each individual who embraces it–some are perfunctory, some are poetic. That artists so often lead double lives as travelers comes as no surprise, nor does their habit of keeping souvenirs. What is often surprising, however, are the myriad forms these souvenirs manifest when the artist returns from travel to the studio, and begins the process of emptying her experiences into her artistic practice. Read More.
Transfer prints by Teresa Cole
July 06, 2010
By D. Eric Bookhardt
Teresa Cole’s Transfer expo recycles Victorian-era trends into the globalized present. In Victorian England, the art of paper cutting became a domestic style obsession. Cutout paper silhouettes of family members and elaborate, highly stylized landscape scenes adorned fashionable parlors all over the English-speaking world. Meanwhile, fabrics stenciled with botanical patterns in the teeming, then-British colony of India found a popular following in the West, where they were rebranded with British-sounding names like “paisley.” These design elements, along with some other oddball twists, add up to a cryptically decorous lexicon of signs and symbols in this unusual show at Gallery Bienvenu. This is possible because familiar decorative motifs often have a secret history of their own. For instance, the popular paisley fabric pattern is based on the sacred Tree of Life symbol of the ancient Zoroastrian religion. Read More.