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Review: Nature and the meaning of boundaries explored in Poem 88’s “Correspondences”
July 27, 2017
By Rebecca Brantley
Something lush and Rococo, like Watteau’s Pilgrimage to Cythera, came to mind as I rounded the corner of a leafy path and encountered a gathering alongside the river on a humid July evening. Poem 88’s summer-long series of Correspondences, which opened with Art Vandenberg’s Steles in June, continued its optimistic pace with an exhibit by Scott Silvey, which closed July 15, and a performance by Shana Robbins and Julie Travis. Read More.
Review: Shana Robbins puzzles us as she peers “Into This World” at Beep Beep Gallery
June 15, 2013
By Jerry Cullum
Shana Robbins allows herself a horrendous pun in the subtitle of “Into This World: Shanamisms,” at Beep Beep Gallery through June 15. She has earned the right to it. Anthropologists who study shamanism say they practice “participant observation,” taking part while keeping a personal distance; Robbins has simply participated, and made shamanic practice her own through encounters that range from residencies with the women weavers of the Shipibo people of Peru to an artistic collaboration with Bear Paw, the Lakota Sioux great-grandson of Geronimo.Read More.
Robbins and Myers summon the forces of nature
July 23, 2010
By Charles A. Westfall
When I showed up at The Atlanta Contemporary Art Center on a stormy Friday night earlier this month, I found it absolutely crawling with patrons and buzzing with energy. Over 450 people had descended on the gallery, drawn in by the promise of witnessing Shana Robbins‘s most recent performance, Supernatural Conductor, scheduled to coincide with the opening of her exhibition by the same name. Amy Myers‘s Feminine Space also opened that evening. The place was packed. Read More.