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Review: the rose-tinted world of “Happiness Project” at Whitespace
June 1, 2016
By Rebecca Brantley
On view at Whitespace through June 18, Happiness Project is a multimedia show by Didi Dunphy that is ambitious in its theme and its scope of materials. Undoubtedly, one of the most salient aspects of the exhibition is Dunphy’s unfaltering sense of design as she moves deftly from medium to medium; her chosen materials include photography, video, sculpture, jewelry, embroidery, and nail art. That said, the show’s glossiness might suggest an uncritical, breezily pro-consumer stance; however, Dunphy’s exploration of happiness has factors at work that prove play is a nuanced and worthwhile endeavor. Notions of gender, art history, and fulfillment are among her concerns. Read More.
Happiness Is: Didi Dunphy at Whitespace
June 1, 2016
By Caroline Stover
Brightly painted fingernails and glittery stickers on mushrooms are just a few of the fanciful pieces by artist Didi Dunphy in her current exhibition at Whitespace (through June 18). With this collection of work, Dunphy is extending a solemn and sincere challenge to her viewers: take my hand, suspend your disbelief, turn that frown upside down, and dare to allow your spirits to be lifted. Dunphy is making serious art about how not to be so serious. Read More.
Fibers at Madison-Morgan, an Engaging Survey of the Medium
September 18, 2012
By Lilly Lampe
The arts in Georgia often ascribe to a certain Atlanta-centrism, leaving many galleries and sites in outlying areas ignored. Yet these galleries and centers are very much in communication with the art being made in Atlanta. Berry College’s Moon Gallery in Rome, Georgia, has held solo exhibitions by Atlanta artists such as Emory University’s Linda Armstrong. The Madison-Morgan Cultural Center is another site curating shows with an eye to what is happening in Atlanta and other communities. Fibers, currently on view at Madison-Morgan Cultural Center, showcases artists from across the country, all with wildly different approaches to this medium. Read More.
Reviews: Artful skateboards glide into MODA, Hudgens, Athens’ Hotel Indigo
June 28, 2012
By Christina Cotter
For anyone who has ever hoped to take a spin through the history of skateboard design, the Museum of Design Atlanta has created a rad new exhibition, “Skate It or Hang It?” As its title suggests, this survey of skateboard graphics, from the 1970s to the present, ponders the divisions between fine and functional art and between high- and lowbrow culture. That blurry edge allows for a point of inquiry and discovery. Read More.
Dunphy and Davis Complete One Another at Sandler Hudson
October 10, 2011
By Rachel P. Kreiter
Currently up at Sandler Hudson Gallery are two shows: Marshall Davis’s Recent Work in all earth tones, makes use of found objects of wood and metal, while Didi Dunphy’s Cross-Stitch offers four compact needlepoints in brightly colored plastic embroidery hoops. These two bodies of work have little to do with each other; Davis’s fills the main gallery space (with one piece on the roof), while Dunphy’s four installations are tucked into their own corner. While these two bodies of work are physically separate and initially seem disparate, after some consideration, I grew to feel that they work well together, each enhancing my enjoyment of the other. Read More.
Review: QR codes as art object in Didi Dunphy’s exhibit at Sandler Hudson Gallery
October 4, 2011
By Jerry Cullum
The familiar black-and-white squares of QR (“Quick Response”) smartphone codes were printed on cupcakes given out at this year’s Fashion Week, so it’s clear that they have become the fashionable technology of the moment. What’s not being explored sufficiently is how they are changing the nature of perception, all at once and very explosively. It is this issue that Didi Dunphy’s hand-stitched versions of this ubiquitous technology at Sandler Hudson Gallery address. The show is on view through October 15. Read More.