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Timeline: Craig Dongoski at Whitespace Gallery
March 16, 2018
By Matthew Terrell
Atlanta artist Craig Dongoski explores the possibility of line in his show “Kissing the Gods,” on view at Whitespace Gallery through March 24. Using both ink and oil pencil on paper and wood panel, Dongoski creates images full of texture and pattern, all achieved with 2-D techniques.
Scattered throughout the show are rocks, a gong, wood slabs, and mysterious musical instruments. Low melodic vibrations playing on speakers conceptually glue all the elements together, but the opaqueness of his ideas in the artist statement make it challenging for most viewers to appreciate the work as anything more than formally pleasing. Read More.
Review: “The Translated Mark” explores repetition, technical innovation and communication
March 16, 2017
By Rebecca Brantley
The Translated Mark at Whitespace, on view through March 25, coincides with the SGC International Atlanta Print Conference in Atlanta. The five featured artists refer to printmaking processes in their work — some adhering to traditional methods, others straying from conventional techniques. A printmaker’s love of line, pattern and grayscale ties the disparate artists to one another. Read More.
Craig Dongoski’s chimpanzee collaboration lives in ‘Primates Notebook
June 2, 2014
Creative Loafing
By Muriel Vega
For more than two years, Craig Dongoski collaborated and interacted with a language-trained chimpanzee named Panzee. In The Primates Notebook, currently showing at Whitespace, Dongoski explores the line between drawing and writing and finds inspiration within Panzee’s marks on the paper. A professor at Georgia State University, Dongoski is known for investigating language through multimedia and basic drawing tools. Read More.
Review: Two shows — digital collages and primate marks — produce artistic meditations at Whitespace and Whitespec
May 27, 2014
By Jerry Cullum
The Primates Notebook: Work by Craig Dongoski at Whitespace and Just Past the Peripheral: Work by Charlie Watts in the adjacent Whitespec project space (both through June 21) are such opposite yet complementary artistic meditations on the human condition that they deserve an essay based on philosophical anthropology. But it is more important to encounter them first as stunningly beautiful, aesthetically engaging exhibitions. Read More.
Review: Craig Dongoski draws sound at Whitespace
April 11, 2011
By Wes Lowrance
What does a drawing sound like? Answering that question was the genesis for artist Craig Dongoski’s early work, and it resonates in the new drawings in “Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release,” at Whitespace through April 16. Read more.
Our Front Porch: Five of Craig Dongoski’s Artistic Influences
February 22, 2012
By Craig Dongoski
The idea for BURNAWAY originated from a front-porch conversation about the need for more dialogue about local art. This week’s edition of Our Front Porch is a themed list by local artist Craig Dongoski describing some inspirations for his work. Read More.
Drawing in rhythm and time: Craig Dongoski at Whitespace
April 4, 2011
By Paul Boshears
Although it isn’t obvious at first glance, Craig Dongoski‘s body of work, Attack/Decay/Sustain/Release, currently on view at Whitespace through Saturday, April 16, 2011, visualizes the connections between signatures and sounds. In handwriting, signatures can speak volumes about their author; in music, sound can be interpreted, but it requires practice. The listener must tune into the frequency, the volume, at which the information is being broadcast. This is where Dongoski’s work begins. Read More.
Orbital Contour: Videos by Craig Dongoski
Issue 1.2 / 2011
By Paul Boshears
What is the nature of sound? What is the nature of volume? William James, in attempting to address these simple questions wrote, “The voluminousness of the feeling seems to bear very little relation to the size of the ocean that yields it. The ear and eye are comparatively minute organs, yet they give us feelings of great volume” (203-4, itals. original). This subtle extensivity of sensation finds its peer in the subtle yet significant influence of habituated action upon our lives. This expansive quality of habitmaking is what Craig Dongoski’s bodies of work enable us to appreciate. Read More.